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Online High School Curriculum

Sterling Academy is Cognia accredited and provides curriculum produced by Edgenuity, learn more below:

Sterling Academy Mathematics Logo Final Version

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from Sterling Academy, the following credits must be earned. One credit is the equivalent to two semesters of study in a subject. 

Subject Area   Credits Required
English   4
Math   4
Science   3
Social Studies   4.5
Fine Arts   1
Physical Education   1
Online Learning & Digital Citizenship   0.5
Electives   6

While the above are the minimums, those who are planning to go on to college are recommended to have 4 credits of science and 2 credits of a world language.  

Our Typical Four Year Plan

Here is a sample of what a college-bound high school student at Sterling Academy may choose.

Freshman - Semester 1

1. Online Learning & Digital Citizenship*
2. English 1A*
3. Algebra I A*
4. Biology A*
5. World Cultural Geography A*
6. World Language I A

Freshman-Semester 2

1. English 1B*
2. Algebra 1B*
3. Biology B*
4. World Cultural Geography B*
5. Personal Fitness or Fitness Lifestyle Design*
6. World Language I B

Sophomore - Semester 1

1. English 2A*
2. Geometry A*
3. Chemistry A
4. World History A*
5. Health 1: Life Management Skills*
6. World Language II A

Sophomore - Semester 2

1. English 2B*
2. Geometry B*
3. Chemistry B
4. World History B*
5. Elective
6. World Language II B


Junior - Semester 1

1. English 3A*
2. Algebra 2A
3. Environmental Science A
4. United States History A*
5. A Fine Arts course (Art, Music, Theater)
6. Elective

Junior - Semester 2

1. English 3B*
2. Algebra 2B
3. Environmental Science B
4. United States History B*
5. A second Fine Arts course
6. Elective

Senior - Semester 1

1. English 4A*
2. An advanced mathematics course
3. Physics A
4. United States Government*
5. Economics*
6. Elective

Senior - Semester 2

1. English 4B*
2. An advanced mathematics course
3. Physics B
4. Personal & Family Finance*
5. Elective
6. Elective

*These specific courses are required for graduation (or honors versions, if available).

We recommend students take the most rigorous courses available and within their ability.

Honors courses are available -- see the list on this page.

Electives are available in the following subject areas:  Business, digital arts, information technology, engineering, forensics/law/security, life skills, health sciences (nursing, pharmacy, etc.), social science (psychology & sociology) and Bible.

Note: All full-time students entering the 9th grade or transferring in from another school between 9th grade and first semester of 11th grade are required to take the course Online Learning & Digital Citizenship their first term with us. 

Students should expect to spend an amount of time on their studies per week that is comparable to the amount of time spent in school at a bricks-and-mortar school.  With our program, however, students can choose how to arrange those hours in the way needed to accommodate their schedule.



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