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High School Credit Recovery Online

Make up lost credits with accredited online courses at Sterling Academy


If you did not complete a course during the school year, or finished the course with a D or an F, Sterling Academy’s Credit Recovery courses are a great solution.

With our online credit recovery courses, each unit begins with a pre-test to see what the student has already learned.  Whatever the student demonstrates knowledge of, that part of the course can be skipped so that only the needed parts are revisited.  And at Sterling Academy, students get one-on-one help from teachers as needed, so students can get the extra assistance for the topics they struggle with most, without interfering with other students as would happen in a classroom.

Students taking our high school credit recovery courses at can log into our system to do their work anytime of the day or night from their computer. Since students set their own schedule, they can finish as quickly as they are able to master the material.  Parents get weekly progress reports sent right to their inbox so they can monitor the student's progress.

Since our school is accredited by Cognia/SACS, the courses will generally easily transfer back to your local school.

To inquire about online credit recovery courses at Sterling Academy, you can email registrar@sterling.academy or call 954-859-2082.