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Tuition Payment

Tuition Payment Information




Tuition Payment


Setting Up Your Sterling Academy Payment Account

Dear Parent,

Your payments for tuition and fees to Sterling Academy will be done through our third-party vendor TUIO.  It will be possible to pay online via credit or debit card or direct debit (bank account withdrawals, also called ACH [Automated Clearing House] payments*), and we will cover all transaction fees for the convenience of our parents. 

*Note: ACH payments are only available in the USA and Canada.

There are step-by-step instructions with images on setting up your TUIO account and using the program, found at https://parentsupport.tuiopay.com/  The main things to do are to: 

  • Create your account
  • Add your payment method (such as your credit card information)
  • Connect your payment method to your subscription.

Currently, TUIO’s system does not have a way to set subscription payments the way we use them.  Therefore, we have had to create some workarounds.

In TUIO, your monthly payments due are identified as invoices, even though payments are deducted automatically.  Future months’ invoices will all show as $0.00.  At the end of each month, our accounting will set the amounts for the following month.  For example, at the end of August, accounting will set your September invoice for the monthly amount you are currently paying.  All invoices from October forward will show as $0.00.

In TUIO, your payment “programs” are called Enrollments.  Your $100 enrollment fee will be one enrollment.  Your monthly tuition amount will be another enrollment. If your child is taking an eDynamic Learning elective, which requires a $99 tuition surcharge, that one-time fee would be listed as an additional enrollment.  The TUIO term for “enrollment” does not coincide with enrollment in a course.  As you see in this example, one eDynamic Learning course would have three enrollments in TUIO – enrollment fee, tuition, and eDL surcharge.

With TUIO, if you need to change your payment method, you will be able to do that directly in the system.  You can also print receipts if needed.

You can contact us for any payment issues you encounter.  With our TUIO partnership, you can also contact TUIO support for assistance at support@tuiopay.com.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.  For questions, you can contact accounting at accounting@sterling.academy or 954-859-2083, or you can contact Julie at registrar@sterling.academy or 954-859-2082. 

Accounting, Sterling Academy


Sterling Academy

950 South Pine Island Road, Suite A150

Plantation, FL 33324

Telephone 954-859-2079

Fax 888-366-1057

What is TUIO? 

TUIO is a billing and payment app used by schools, preschools and daycare centers across North America. 

Using TUIO provides the following benefits to families: 

●Access payment information at any time


●Emailed invoice notifications and payment reminders to avoid NSFs

Where will my data be stored? 

Please note that TUIO does not store any sensitive financial information, such as your bank account or credit card details. Instead, those data points are encrypted as soon as you enter them, and they are transmitted to the large financial institutions who run payments. For the data points that TUIO does store to let you access your TUIO account, such as your email address and TUIO password, TUIO works with the industry leader AWS (Amazon Web Services), which is Amazon’s branch for server infrastructure. AWS offers the most secure cloud infrastructure on the market and is used by hundreds of government agencies such as the CIA, and many Fortune 500 companies such as Netflix and Kellogg’s. 


950 South Pine Island Road, Suite A150, Plantation, FL 33324   Ph. 954-859-2079 Fax 888-366-1057

