Sterling Academy Blog

3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Online High School English Courses

Posted by Sterling Staff on Jan 20, 2022 1:56:00 PM

There are more choices than ever for students looking to get a quality education these days. With a global pandemic forcing schools around the world to experiment with distance learning, parents have discovered what we here at Sterling Academy have known all along: online courses can — and do — provide opportunities for robust and effective instruction, negating neither quality nor substance during their students’ quest for academic exposure. Because of this, more students than ever are considering non-traditional educations, mixing and matching (and even replacing) classes from brick and mortar institutions with online options to create customized programs that not only meet curriculum standards but that appeal to students’ individual passions. Some of the most sought-after classes are online high school English courses. Whether needed to fulfill a core credit requirement for graduation or used to further explore a literary interest, online high school English courses are a great way for students to develop reading skills, build their vocabularies and improve their writing. Here are three tips for getting the most out of an online high school English class experience:

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Enrolling in Online School For Second Semester

Posted by Sterling Staff on Jan 19, 2022 9:30:00 AM

The new calendar year can also mean a new school for many students at the start of second semester, and online schooling is becoming the clear choice for many families. Education is changing and adapting to meet the needs of individual students. Online learning can be the perfect match for someone interested in remote work after high school or the answer for a student struggling with anxiety. Students seeking a more flexible schedule or those who are concerned with their health and safety can also choose to make the switch to online schooling during the Spring semester! Whether in middle or high school, students have more choices now than ever before since reputable online schools (like our own Sterling Academy) provide students with versatile opportunities to continue their education with little disruption to their schedules or their lives. Here are a few tips and benefits to enrolling in online classes. 

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Is Taking a High School US History Online Course a Good Idea?

Posted by Sterling Staff on Jan 17, 2022 1:46:00 PM

Education is more diverse than ever. Instead of choosing between the neighborhood school down the street and the private and/or parochial one in town, parents and their children now have multiple options: public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, private institutions, online academies, homeschooling, learning pods. Students can sometimes even move to public schools in other districts or take single courses from multiple places as they work their way toward graduation. The choices are often overwhelming, especially when parents have to determine if all the choices are actually good ones. Take a basic core class, like US history, for example: is an online high school US history course just as good as the US history course taught in a public school? Are all high school American history classes created equally? It depends.

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Important Remote Work Skills That All High School Students Need to Master

Posted by Sterling Staff on Jan 7, 2022 3:42:00 PM

As Covid-19 ushered the entire country into working remotely, Sterling Academy was ahead of the curve. Nowadays companies seeking highly desirable candidates are looking for more than the highest GPA or ACT score; they are also looking for the soft skills needed to be successful in the ever-changing business world. Here are four essential skills needed for the remote world that students can master in high school!

Effective Communication

Whether it’s written, in person, or via video conferencing, communication has become even more important in our newly remote world. More and more companies are choosing to allow employees to work from home, and online schooling helps to prepare students to navigate that potential reality. In their communications with their teachers, Sterling Academy students practice multiple forms of communication to ready them for the future business world. In addition, because our school is asynchronous, students get to practice composing emails, making phone calls, and setting up video conferences, skills widely used in most businesses. 

Time Management

Whether working in person or remotely, time management is a must-have skill! Employers don’t have the ability to constantly check in with their employees or casually stop by when working remotely; they must rely on their workers’ ability to efficiently plan their schedules. Remote education allows students to take their schedules into their own hands. Sterling Academy encourages students to work at their own pace and on their own schedules. Students can use helpful tools like the course map or course calendar to keep track of their tasks and manage their own time effectively. This practice transitions seamlessly into remote working. 

Digital Competence

The online world is full of possibilities. From communication programs, like Microsoft Teams, to learning management systems, like Buzz, virtual students are tasked with mastering a variety of online platforms in order to become successful. Sterling Academy students are no exception. Each incoming freshman student is required to take an online learning and digital citizenship course to guide them in their future virtual learning. This helps young adults learn appropriate online behavior and how to be successful in a remote environment. 


All business owners want their employees to have the drive and initiative to improve the company and online learning is the perfect preparation for workers. Students in an online environment must be self-motivated and willing to push themselves without constant supervision. They have to manage their schedules, studies and ask for help all on their own. In addition, Sterling Academy allows students to challenge themselves by choosing to take AP, honors, and dual credit courses as well as a variety of electives. Students with a completely remote learning experience can graduate with even more highly desirable skills for the future work environment. 

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5 Benefits of Enrolling in an Online Latin Course for High School Credit

Posted by Sterling Staff on Nov 15, 2021 2:06:00 PM

The current pandemic might have introduced a lot of people to the benefits of remote education, but our educators at Sterling Academy have long known the value of online learning. In addition to offering flexible scheduling and diverse, customized instruction — all within a safe environment — our rigorous curriculum also provides students with the opportunity to explore quality courses that might not be available in more traditional schools.

Consider, for example, Latin. Many schools have eliminated Latin from their offerings despite the fact that studies show even a rudimentary understanding of Latin greatly improves students’ cognitive development. Take a look at five important benefits of taking an online Latin course for high school credit:

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How Do Online High School Science Courses Work?

Posted by Sterling Staff on Nov 3, 2021 10:23:51 AM

If you’re considering enrolling in an online high school science course, you might be wondering how that works. High school science, after all, is most often a hands-on experience, necessitating collaborative work and integrating personal research with professional instruction.  

Here at Sterling Academy, however, “online” doesn’t mean hands-off. We offer a comprehensive and experiential science curriculum that combines carefully curated video lectures with practical lab training, ensuring that our students become critical thinkers and are well-prepared for all postsecondary science education if they choose. Here’s what you can expect:

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4 Reasons to Take French 3 Online

Posted by Sterling Staff on Oct 28, 2021 9:40:00 AM

In today’s competitive educational landscape, multilingual competency can give aspiring students a substantial advantage over their peers. Indeed, numerous studies indicate a positive correlation between learning a second language and academic achievement, with students who study a second language improving their college admission test scores with each year of advancing language study. (And just for comparison: studying other subjects for multiple years shows no similar advantage.) Furthermore, many admissions counselors look for advanced language instruction on a prospective student’s application as an indication of his or her commitment to hard work and appreciation of academic value. But learning a second language doesn’t just influence access to higher education; research also demonstrates that multilingual college graduates often have higher salaries and better job security than those with mastery of only one! With digital technologies providing faster, easier access to language courses coupled with the fact that many believe French to be the “Language of the Future,” there’s really no good reason to not take French 3 online. Here’s a short list to prove our point:

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Why Game Design Classes for High School Students Are a Good Choice

Posted by Sterling Staff on Oct 18, 2021 9:11:01 AM

There is really no such thing as a standard high school curriculum anymore. Yes, completion of certain basic math, science, language arts, and history classes are usually included as part of most secondary education requirements; but beyond a few core courses, high school education can — and should be — centered on the passions and interests of individual students. Rather than simply preparing them for future success, high school should inspire students to dream, stretching their imaginations so that they are able to recognize and assess endeavors they might never have otherwise contemplated. Thus, part of a good education is exposing kids to new ideas through unique and unusual electives. Here are five reasons to consider game design classes for high school students:


  1. Game Design Classes for High School Students Inspire Creativity

    In contrast to many foundational courses, coding and programming are inherently creative processes, demanding curiosity, imagination, innovation, and agility rather than mere memorization. Game design classes for high school students, in particular, rely on abstract thinking, as well as experimentation, to foster ideas, develop a story and bring concepts to life. Research shows that having an outlet for creative expression increases a student’s confidence, encourages the development of advanced problem-solving skills, decreases his or her anxiety, and leads to a deeper understanding of a subject.

  2. They Teach Logical Thinking

    The goal of any educational program is to inspire understanding. And understanding stems from logical, critical thought. Because the essence of computer programming is decomposition, taking a problem and breaking it into smaller parts so that it can be figured out, game design classes for high school students are the perfect vector for teaching computational thinking, the foundation on which more advanced thinking evolves.

  3. Game Design Classes Strengthen Communication Skills

    Coding is essentially a type of language, and studies show that learning a new language actually builds brain matter, providing enhanced cellular connections that enable increased cognitive processing and safeguard against age-related brain deterioration. The result: game design classes for high school students help to open and protect students’ minds so that they can better understand the world around them.

  4. They Improve Career Opportunities 

    Being able to code is a very marketable skill. Game design classes for high school students teach essential computer programming skills that many future employers look for in employees. A background in coding opens doors for students in college and beyond.


  5. Game Design Classes for High School Students are Fun

    Of course, coding is also fun, providing students with an outlet to explore, design, and create without limit. Adding courses that spark the interest of students and are enjoyable allows kids to relax for at least part of their school day, better preparing them for other courses which might be less appealing.

The Sterling Academy Difference

At Sterling Academy, we believe students need access not just to quality core classes, but to electives that excite and engage them. Our game design courses offer learners the opportunity to explore a potentially marketable (and lucrative) interest while at the same time instilling in them fundamental academic skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Please contact our Enrollment Office to learn more about what makes Sterling Academy different from other online institutions.


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Benefits of Taking a Trigonometry Course Online

Posted by Sterling Staff on Aug 19, 2021 11:18:00 AM

After the COVID-19 pandemic forced many schools to transition to online learning, some students struggled to adapt while others thrived. If you or your child is interested in continuing online learning but your school is no longer offering remote options, then searching for an online-only school can help. Alternatively, if you have never experienced remote learning before, then trying a single class to see if you like it better than traditional classroom learning can help you discover your ideal learning environment. Taking core classes such as Mathematics or English can be a great way to start. As an example, here are some of the benefits of taking a trigonometry course online:   

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Finding the Right Algebra 2 Online Courses for Your Student

Posted by Sterling Staff on Aug 11, 2021 2:00:18 PM

Whether you’re looking to transition to online schooling full or part time, finding the right course for yourself or for your child can be difficult. Given the sheer number of online schools available, it can be challenging to find the best option. Finding core classes such as Mathematics, English, and Science can be especially hard because curriculum varies by state and school district. Luckily, there are some simple criteria that can help you make an educated decision. Whether your goal is to get ahead in your high school requirements, retake a class you didn’t pass, or free up more time for other classes, here is some advice on how to find Algebra 2 online courses from reputable and rigorous online schools:  

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