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Sterling Academy Blog

Sterling Academy Career Week 2023

3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Online High School English Courses

Enrolling in Online School For Second Semester

Is Taking a High School US History Online Course a Good Idea?

Important Remote Work Skills That All High School Students Need to Master

5 Benefits of Enrolling in an Online Latin Course for High School Credit

How Do Online High School Science Courses Work?

4 Reasons to Take French 3 Online

Why Game Design Classes for High School Students Are a Good Choice

Benefits of Taking a Trigonometry Course Online

Finding the Right Algebra 2 Online Courses for Your Student

Supplement your geography lessons with these fun-to-play online games

How Principles of Entrepreneurship help students pursue their entrepreneurial spirit

Not all online schools are flexible

You can still enroll in online school at mid-semester

Why Students are Taking Online High School German Classes

How elective courses help you follow your passion

How academic performance is affected by a lack of sleep 

How one online high school student is writing and going to school at the same time 

How Elective Courses help you find a new passion

How Elective Courses help you investigate future careers

How to navigate the transition between grade levels

New school year, new school

How Elective Courses help you build your resume

What it takes to succeed in an online high school

How online schooling promotes a continual learning environment for students

Online Schooling as an overseas educational option

What is class like for an online student (a teacher's perspective)

Why online schooling can be the key to pursuing your sports career

Do online science classes have lab work?

3 reasons for getting a jumpstart on fall semester

Homeschooler and entrepreneur: The story of Palmer Luckey and the Oculus Rift

Why Consider a Career as a Pharmacy Technician?

How Online Elective Courses Help to Shape a Student's Future Career

Education Options for International Students seeking an American high school diploma

The benefits of studying online during the summer

What should your high schooler do over summer break?

5 Common Misconceptions about Online School

So what if your child isn't a prodigy?

Education Options for American Expatriate Students

Life beyond bullying: The story of Bethany Mota

4 Steps to Choosing the College that's right for you (or your student)

Building Your College Application: Course Choices

What can I do to make sure I graduate high school in time?

Building Your College Application: Social Organizations

Building Your College Application: Honor Societies

Building Your College Application: Academics

How well do different learning styles work in online high school?

Building Your College Application: Volunteer Work

How online classes can patch the holes in a student's academic progress

How traditional schooling can stifle our children's problem solving effectiveness

3 elective online courses that would benefit any student

Key differences between private online high school and homeschooling

Could private online high school be a solution for the current US public education system?

Ensure your school is teaching your child to be a digital native

5 key college prep advantages of independent learning vs. traditional schools

What to do when your student's schedule has too many conflicts

Tim Tebow: Competing Athletically while Homeschooling

Socialization Options for Students in Online High School

What are the teachers like at an online school?

3 real-life skills gained through online high school education

What constitutes REAL accreditation for an online high school?

Face-to-Face Learning vs. Online Learning: Which Is Better?

Blended School vs. Online School: What are the differences?

Is curriculum at online schools different from traditional schools?

What colleges will accept an online high school diploma?

How due dates work in our online school courses

Online High School Course Calendars: How Are They Different?

The advantages of investing in an online high school education

How does student-teacher interaction work in online school courses?

How do colleges view online high schools compared to traditional high schools?

Why a high school diploma is better than a GED

How to transfer credits to and from our online high school

High-Stakes State Assessments and Their Effect on Education

School Anxiety: Your Child Is Not Alone

Study Latin Online -- But Why Latin?

Bullying At School – There is a Solution

How to Apply for the ACT or SAT College Admission Tests

Early School Start Times Are Harmful To Teenagers

Sterling Academy Announces Partnership With New High School in China

The Bright Side of American Education

The Process of Preparing for an AdvancED Accreditation Visit

Understanding The Role Of Revisionist History In The Classroom

Studying math online...but why do I need math?

Improving Your Creative Writing Skills

Changes In How We Acquire Information (How We Learn!)

Advantages Of Learning Spanish

Online High School Diplomas – I Just Want To Take A Test!

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