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Sterling Academy Blog

Education Options for International Students seeking an American high school diploma

Posted by Sterling Staff on May 18, 2015 6:03:00 AM

Sometimes international students prefer to earn an American high school diploma. Here at Sterling Academy we receive inquiries from all around the world asking about attending our online high school in order to earn that desirable American diploma. We welcome these calls. We live in a global environment now, so integrating foreign students into our school is only natural.

Online high school is the ideal solution when you live outside the US but want an American-style education. As long as you have a high-speed internet connection, you can log in and study on your own schedule, eliminating the potential challenge of time zone differences. When you have questions or need assistance with something, help is always nearby because you can set a mutually-agreeable time to “meet” with your teacher one-on-one.

international students

We serve two types of international students at Sterling Academy.

American citizens living abroad with their family.

Parents of American students may have jobs that take them overseas, such as business executives or engineers, missionaries, or those in the military.  These overseas stints tend to be temporary, or sometimes even require transferring frequently to different locations.  These career opportunities for parents can be less disruptive for their children when the classes can be taken online.  No matter where in the world one's residence is, these American students can study at an American school by studying online (provided there is a high-speed internet connection).

When the parents get that call for an overseas opportunity, the students can continue their schooling, beginning their online courses at Sterling Academy from the end of the last semester completed at their previous school.  If moves are required while overseas, there's no need to have to adjust to a different school, since the online school goes with you.  Even after returning to the USA, you have the option of continuing with your online school, or returning to your former school.

Sterling Academy is regionally accredited in the US, so if you return to the US while still in high school and want to go back to a physical classroom, you can easily transfer the credits you earned to your former school (or a new one).  

Not only do you have complete flexibility regarding your study schedule, you’ll find that Sterling Academy offers an outstanding selection of electives. American schools abroad, or international schools, may be smaller and thus have more limited offerings.  With Sterling Academy's available electives, you are able to assemble a curriculum that not only covers essential core requirements but offers interesting opportunities to delve into areas you would never be able to explore otherwise.

And of course, by choosing our American online school, you have benefits offered that fit the American educational system -- Honors and Advanced Placement courses, as well as credit recovery. Furthermore, Sterling Academy offers an open calendar, so that you can control your study schedule.  You can spend as much time as you want on those tougher classes, and go faster through the ones you find easier, thus learning at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Foreign nationals who aspire to attend college in the US.

When it comes time to apply for college, American students typically take the SAT or ACT test whereas foreign students take the TOEFL test. We often hear from foreign students who plan to attend university in the US that they would prefer to take the SAT instead of the TOEFL. Earning an American high school diploma may help prepare you to do that, by familiarizing you with American study techniques as well as the coursework itself.

Foreign students who wish to have an American high school diploma can reach their goal while living in their home country by studying at Sterling Academy online.  We hear from some students that their country’s education process focuses more heavily on memorization and less on individual critical thinking, whereas American schools are quite the opposite, so these students desire to experience an American-style education.  Foreign students who have had the opportunity to study in the US as an exchange student sometimes wish to continue at a US high school after returning home, or want to return to the States for college; Sterling Academy can meet their needs also. 

Students who feel limited in some way by education in their own country tell us they are looking for the freedom to learn in an environment that offers “real life application” to help them become better-rounded personally and academically. Attending a US-based online high school like Sterling Academy can fulfill both needs – you can study like an American and earn an American diploma.

Whatever continent you live on and whatever your native language, if you want a “sterling” American-style education, online high school is an ideal option.

            Go to school online        

Topics: online high school, american school for, american school for expats

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