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Sterling Academy Blog

5 Benefits of Enrolling in an Online Latin Course for High School Credit

Posted by Sterling Staff on Nov 15, 2021 2:06:00 PM

The current pandemic might have introduced a lot of people to the benefits of remote education, but our educators at Sterling Academy have long known the value of online learning. In addition to offering flexible scheduling and diverse, customized instruction — all within a safe environment — our rigorous curriculum also provides students with the opportunity to explore quality courses that might not be available in more traditional schools.

Consider, for example, Latin. Many schools have eliminated Latin from their offerings despite the fact that studies show even a rudimentary understanding of Latin greatly improves students’ cognitive development. Take a look at five important benefits of taking an online Latin course for high school credit:

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How Do Online High School Science Courses Work?

Posted by Sterling Staff on Nov 3, 2021 10:23:51 AM

If you’re considering enrolling in an online high school science course, you might be wondering how that works. High school science, after all, is most often a hands-on experience, necessitating collaborative work and integrating personal research with professional instruction.  

Here at Sterling Academy, however, “online” doesn’t mean hands-off. We offer a comprehensive and experiential science curriculum that combines carefully curated video lectures with practical lab training, ensuring that our students become critical thinkers and are well-prepared for all postsecondary science education if they choose. Here’s what you can expect:

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You can still enroll in online school at mid-semester

Posted by Sterling Staff on Oct 19, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Leaving one school and moving to a new one can be a concern for both parents and students. When the change takes place mid-semester, more questions arise about making the transition a successful one. This is an excellent time to consider switching to online school.  

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