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ESL School Tuition

At Sterling Academy we offer a monthly payment plan. You can learn more about it here. 

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Our online ESL school tuition Monthly Plan is very simple: You set up a payment date, and that day each month, your credit or debit card will be charged $235.  There is no contract involved; students simply pay the monthly rate as long as they are enrolled.

If you only plan to study for a short time, such as one semester or one year and then go back to your public school, as soon as you are finished, let us know and no more payments will be deducted.

If you would like to continue with us after you have completed your current ESL level, simply pay the $100 ESL-level fee to start the next ESL level, and your monthly payments will continue as always.  

With the Monthly Plan, you can stop at any time, with no further money due.

Please note the following:

  • If your credit card is declined and we are unable to get a payment in a timely manner, the student will be denied further access.  To re-instate access, a $25 re-instatement fee will be required.
  • After completing an ESL level, students may take a planned break (tell us your return date in advance) without needing to pay the $25 re-instatement fee when returning.
  • When starting the program, you will have up to 10 business days to ask for a refund of the tuition (not the $100 fee) if you are not satisfied with the program.  After the 10 days, there are no refunds, so if you wish to discontinue, be sure to notify us before your next payment due date.

$335 gets you started!  As soon as you pay your non-refundable ESL-level fee of $100 and the first month's tuition, we will begin the enrollment process.  After all enrollment documents are in and you have had your orientation, classes will be assigned.

Fill out the form on the right to have an Enrollment Counselor contact you so you can get started!

Free E-Book: Online Schooling - How It Works