Is your high school student looking to attend summer school? Maybe they should be – taking courses online, though, rather than in a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. There are definite benefits to studying online during the summer, and not just for students who are struggling.
Consider this:
Online high school offers a tailored approach that is 100% student-centric, so it’s the ultimate in flexibility. Students can do their class work anytime, from anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Online school is always “in session,” so teachers and administrators are as readily available during the summer as they are throughout the school year.
Students may take a several courses over the summer or just one. And they can continue to take classes part time during the regular school year, if they like.
Here are five great reasons to study online during the summer:
1. Getting on track to start fresh in the fall.
Traditionally, summer has been the time for students to retake classes. If a student has failed a course (or received a D), taking a credit recovery course is a viable option. Online credit recovery courses also enable students to make up classes not completed due to illness or absence or other reasons. These courses are structured so that students do not have to re-learn concepts they have already mastered.
2. Getting their diploma – on time.
Studying in the summer can help students meet this important goal as well, ensuring they will have enough credits to not only graduate high school, but graduate on time.
When you’ve journeyed through school for years with the same group of friends, it can be devastating to learn you cannot graduate with the gang. And being forced to attend summer school can be a social “downer,” especially if you’re in high school. Attending class online eliminates the issues summer courses cause with your schedule, because it’s flexible – easy to schedule study time around personal sports or other summertime fun.
3. Getting ready to graduate early.
Gifted students may want to progress through their high school curriculum at the fastest rate possible, so they can get on to college and greater challenges. Some students want or need to graduate early so they can meet other obligations related to athletics training, performance work or something similar.
Taking core subjects and electives in summer facilitates that.
4. Trying out new courses.
Online summer study enables students to take electives not available at their regular school, to augment their high school resume or just pursue a personal interest such as digital arts. Students can also get a leg up on a post-graduation job, with a Nursing Assistant or Pharmacy Technician course.
5. Getting away from it all.
Why should the need to learn during the summer cause your student to miss out on your family’s travel plans? Online courses offer freedom to study while traveling (again, as long as you have an Internet connection). Take a required course, or take a foreign language -- if you’re traveling internationally, there is no better place to practice than on the ground in the native land.
No worries about transferring credits.
Parents are often concerned about whether the course credits their child earns taking online classes over the summer will be transferrable back to their regular high school. Sterling Academy is regionally accredited by AdvancED/SACS, which means the curriculum and course quality are widely recognized by other high schools and colleges. That makes credit transfer very simple in most cases.
Your child will receive the credit he or she deserves for their hard work. And who knows? Once they get a taste of online study during the summer, they (and you) may decide it’s a better alternative year round. We’re always here to answer whatever questions you may have.