Thinking electives are nothing more than those “extras” you have to take to graduate or beef up your college application? Not so! Why take just anything, when you can take something that lets you follow your love? At Sterling Academy, we offer 40 different electives, in six categories.
Health science
The anatomy and physiology section of our health science courses lets you explore the inner workings of the human body. In our Medical Terminology course, you can learn the underlying structure of medical language. Or take German or Latin – the root languages of many medical terms.
These classes are fascinating, and they will give you an idea what it’s like to pursue a career in medicine or animal science. Our Nursing Assistant and Pharmacy Technician electives directly prepare you to pursue your passion on the job. The health field is wide open, whether you’re a “people person” or you’re inspired by the visionary opportunities associated with lab work.
Technology and computer science
Maybe you’re an accomplished gamer, but as you play some games, it seems to you they could be improved. Taking coding lets you explore technology at its roots, so you can make your own improvements, create your own games or business apps, or invent anything that sounds fun or beneficial. Coding is cool, and Sterling Academy is one of only 10% of high schools that even offer classes in coding.
Computer science electives help you become more computer-savvy, to get the most from everyday programs in the Microsoft Office suite. You’ll be able to finish your schoolwork faster – who doesn’t love that?
Digital arts
Do you love to draw or paint? Or perhaps you don’t think of yourself as an “artist,” but you’re a big fan of anime. Digital arts electives let you explore design, learn established graphic design principles and how to use current digital graphics programs. You can create vector-based graphics and 3D models and animation.
Foreign languages
Are you a great mimic? Do you still Skype with your third grade pen pal? You love words and languages, don’t you? Foreign language electives open doors. At Sterling Academy, you can strengthen your understanding of French or Spanish, or stretch yourself to study Latin. Or why not take German or Chinese? The languages of world powers are the languages of business and government – knowing them could lead to a career you love.
Set on being your own boss? Whether you got your start with a lemonade stand or a paper route or you’re still searching for your first business opportunity, Sterling Academy electives can help you get to the root of marketing, which starts long before anyone sees TV ads or online content. You’ll understand the important relationship between sales and marketing.
With our business electives, you’ll learn about some very famous entrepreneurs as well as successful entrepreneurs your own age, getting their insider tips on starting and running your own business.
Is your passion music or art – so much that you hope to make a living at it? Business savvy and learning to market yourself are essential. Business electives support your passion.
Were you the kid with the most Legos in the neighborhood? (Maybe you still are!) Engineering electives teach you to turn your Lego creations into 2-dimensional production or architectural style drawings and how to turn a project in your “mind’s eye” into something 3-dimensional.
All Sterling Academy electives have one thing in common – they are highly interactive, so they’re fun as well as instructive. So plunge in and dive deeper. Explore more. Get even more hooked on whatever interests you. While you’re feeding your passion, you’ll be earning great credits for your high school resume and -- maybe -- getting closer to a life’s work you’ll love.