When searching the web for information about alternatives to education in a public high school classroom, you may have run across the terms “blended school” and “online school.” Both types of schools use online curriculum. So what is the difference?
When searching the web for information about alternatives to education in a public high school classroom, you may have run across the terms “blended school” and “online school.” Both types of schools use online curriculum. So what is the difference?
Between new requirements by states and those by the federal government, there is an increasing trend toward more and more testing of students, and higher and higher stakes in the process. Twenty-five states even require kindergarteners to take state assessments, some with hour-long multiple choice tests.
In 7th grade through 11th grade in my growing up years, due to school crowding, we had split sessions and my class went to school from 12:30 to 5:30. Once the new high school was completed, they put us on a "normal" school schedule: we started school at 7:35 AM and finished at 2:45 PM.
Sterling Academy is pleased to announce a partnership with a new high school opening in Shanghai, China. American University High School will open in September this year, enrolling students in grades 10 through 12 (high schools in China are 3 years, not 4). AUHS will feature an American-style curriculum in English for American students and other foreign students in China to be able to study while living abroad. In addition, students who are citizens of China may choose to study at the school. Sterling Academy is working with AUHS in developing its program and in creating opportunities for cultural and academic exchange between the two schools. Look for announcements very soon on such an opportunity this spring.
There is a lot of criticism in the news and in other places of debate in society about the American education system. This generally includes discussion of how much lower Americans score on tests -- particularly in math and science -- than students in other industrialized countries.
Learner Middle & High School is currently accredited by NALAS. We are now working to become accredited by AdvancED. (The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement [NCA CASI] and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement [SACS CASI] are accreditation divisions of AdvancED.) This is a lengthy and thorough process. This post describes some of the action steps we take to prepare for the accreditation visit. The whole focus of the accreditation process is for a school staff to take a thorough, in-depth look at their school and make sure that all parts are operating well, and to constantly look for ways to improve.
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